How Your Body Holds the Guidance You Seek

Uncategorized Apr 25, 2021

Today we're sharing this popular interview from the Enlightened Womanpreneur Online Series with you!

Tune in as Hay House author of Be Feel Think Do, Anne Bérubé, shares her near-death experience that allowed her to see a vision of the life she was MEANT to be living.

She now teaches the importance of connecting with your body and allowing Spirit to direct you towards the work you are meant to do. 

In this interview you will learn:

  • That your body is an instrument and one of your greatest advocates.
  • How life will unfold perfectly for you when you slow down and trust the process.
  • The importance of finding balance between being AND doing.
  • How not to deplete your energy with mis-aligned actions.

My favorite part was when...

Anne discussed the importance of shifting the old paradigms of ‘always doing’ to first aligning with yourself and allowing inspired actions to flow to you. Then, and only then do you act. Also, why it’s important to take a BREAK and rest when you feel the need to do so, which can be a struggle for busy entrepreneurs!

 Daily Action Challenge:
Think about the projects you are working on right now for your personal or professional life. How many of the actions you are taking feel like ‘I should’ or ‘I’m inspired to?’ What practice can you build into your life that will allow for you to check-in with yourself BEFORE diving into un-inspired action? 

With love and gratitude,

Anniston and the Inpower University Team


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